So...last week started off with a limp....Monday evening, I sprained my ankle at the gym.
I wish it had
been during glamorous like some sort of death move while doing krav maga, but I simply rolled it while getting off of a machine. I was in a lot of pain, hobbled to see Kobe and Paola at their first day of school, Alex dropped me at the doctor tuesday morning, they wanted it x-rayed to rule out fracture. Turns out it was 'just' a bad sprain, and they gave me a huge black boot of straps and velcro to wear. My boss calls me Thumper.
Then the breakup. I think it was Tuesday night, I was eating some crackers in front of the tv, icing my ankle, as Alex picked up my slack, and CRUNCH. I've split a crown that was recently put in. Yeah, on a cracker. I had already had a root canal, so I didn't feel any additional pain. The next morning I made an appt on Friday to get the crown refitted. Side note: why is there no money-back or satisfaction guarantee with dentists and doctors?
As if that isn't already an earful...heh, Thursday morning, like early, like 4:30 in the morning, I'm waking up with pain, in my ear. By the time we wake up around 7, it's really painful. By 8, persistent, like MI3 someone has implanted a capsule in my head and it's about to blow. I call National Jewish -- best allergy research facility in the country -- by 8:30. Thank God they can see me in the day clinic at 9. They make me go through the whole routine that makes them the best allergy research facility in the country filling out paper work, making me blow in the breath meter to make sure i haven't contracted asthma, taking bp, blood ox. I'm hurting. Finally usher me into the nurse practitioner. She's shuffling papers, lecturing me on taking my allergy medicines consistently, what do i see come out of my nose when I use the saline spray, I pinch myself, it's all I can do to scream that I'm hurting! She get's it, says that there's an ENT in the next office and will be right back. She's back quickly, i'm ushered into the office literally right next door, there's 3 or 4 nurses in there with the Dr. He's a fast talker, thank goodness. He spins me around in a chair and points me to a video monitor, puts a scope, one with a light and the camera on it into my ear that's fine, then into the other ear that hurts, it's completely different, closed off, red, gross. Acute ear infection
he says. Rare in adults. I've never had one in my life before. He takes pictures, prints them out. I'm going to blog them, but the nurses asked if they could have them for educational purposes.
He says heavy anti-biotics. It's going to hurt, but you should feel better in a couple of days, lots of pus and it will take a while for you to be able to hear in that ear, he says. He was mostly right, seems like it's hurt every day in the late afternoon. I've probably had my limit of motrin and tylenol and aleve for the next couple of years. Finally, the slow drip of pus has stopped 4 days later.
It seems like a lot of coincidence for 1 week. Has God given me any revelations or called anything to my attention during all of this? Not that I can think of other than finally working a budget with Alex. We'll see...if anybody has any ideas, let me know. (Jeff?)
Huge thank you to Alex for taking care of a 4th kid through all of this, nursing me back to health. Otherwise the weekend was good. I wish I had been able to run around with the kids outside... but I think i'll be taking baby steps first.
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